Friday, December 17, 2010


Watch this amazing will definitely get you into the Christmas spirit!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Advent Conspiracy

As we busy ourselves this Advent, let's all try to remember the true meaning of the season...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Student of the Week - Michaela

Her favourite activity: hockey

Her favourite book: Power Plays

Her favourite movie: Tangled

Her favourite colour: orange

Her favourite food: rice

What her friends say about her:

"Michaela is a good friend and can make me laugh. She is very good at sports (cough but other sports too."

"Michaela is extremely funny and an amazing friend andis always there for you."

" She is always there to make my day happy and she is super amazing and a great, loving friend who helps me get through tough times. And she is a hockey/baseball/vball goddess!!"

" Michaela is one of three specials! She is funny and is alway really great to be around. She is never prejudiced and stands up for what she believes in."

" She is a really funny friend. She can make anyone laugh. She is also good at sports."

" Michaela is an amazing athlete, friend and person. She is always there when you need advice or just someone to talk to."

" Michaela is very funny and lots of fun to be around."

" Michaela is funny and always there when you need her."

Student of the Week - Madeleine

Her favourite activities: reading, watching TV and cross country skiing

Her favourite movie: Patch Adams

Her favourite books: Harry Potter

Her favourite colour: red

What her friends say about her:

"Maddy is the most amazing person! She is infinitely kind and understanding and extremely insightful. When she talks you can't help but relate to her. She is the most abstract and creative person I know and writes beautiful stories. She's exciting and funny to be around all the time. She likes everything and one and is extremely well-rounded."

" Maddy is always excited to do anything and any class. She's lots of fun to be around."

" Maddy is extremely energetic and is really fun to watch if you give her candy. She's also an awesome an awesome friend."

"Maddy brings a very bubbly humour to the class. She is one of the coolest elves I know and she is always happy and nothing brings her down."

"She has a cool imagination."

" She is completely AMAZING! She is such an awesome friend and she spreads her positive, hyper energy to everyone 24/7. She helps me stay positive when I'm feeling down and she shares great advice! I love you Sponge Cake!"

" She is always enthusiastic and she loves everyone."

" Maddy is funny, dramatic and good at acting. She writes amazing stories."

Student of the Week - Kelsey

Her favourite activities: dance and volleyball

Her favourite foods: everything

Her favourite book: Hunnie Bunny Funny Bunny

What her friends say about her:

"Kelsey is energetic, loves Justin Bieber, makes friends easily, has really nice eyes, she is really funny and she loves to annoy Claudia."

"Kelsey is amazing! She's funny, unique, hilarious and one of the best people I know, she's a wonderful artist and dancer and I'm so glad she's one of my bestest friends. Kelsey likes pie."

"Kelsey is very nice and funny. She is also good at dance. She cares when her friends are sad and that is very kind."

" Supportive, intelligent, fun and interesting. Those are just a few of many amazing qualities Kelsey has!"

"Kelsey is really nice. She's a great artist and is there for her friends. And she loves Justin Bieber."

" Kelsey is so fun and energetic. She can make almost anyone laugh and brightens my day."

" Kelsey is a good athlete, she is the life of the party and she is a great friend."

" Very outgoing and a leader."

Student of the Week - Kale

His favourite activity: hockey

His favourite foods: pizza and donuts

His favourite books: Goosebumps

His favourite movie: Slapshot

What his friends say about him:

" Kale is nice to everyone and is madly in love with...Hockey!"

" Kale has a very funny laugh. He is good at sports and has nice skin...By the way...he likes hockey."

" Kale + Kale = Awesome Kale + Hockey = Awesome"

" Kale is a nice guy."

" Kale is very interesting and is an amazing hockey player and he's funny."

" Kale is good @ sports."

" Kale is a great athlete. Kale has a nice complexion and he is very nice."

Student of the Week - Riley

His favourite activity: sports
His favourite movie: Accepted
His favourite book: The Stand
His favourite food: ribs
What his friends say about him:
" He is a great friend and that! He is super amazing! Everyone loves this guy!"
"Riley is very funny and easy to work with."
" His wit and constant hilarious remarks constantly keep conversations interesting. Super nice and fun."
" He is funny and good at sports."
" Riley brings a unique type of humour to our classroom. He is also very athletic."
" Riley is very interesting. He's always the one to say or do the randomness stuff. He's very funny and kind."
" Riley is very tall and is good at sports. He is funny...enjoys quoting Family Guy."

Monday, December 6, 2010

Student of the Week- Junnigha

Her favourite food: pasta

Her favourite movie: A Walk to Remember

Her favourite book: Hunger Games

Her favourite activity: Volleyball

What her friends say about her:

"She is good at school and helps others understand their homework."

"Junnigha is really nice. She's really good at serving in volleyball."

"She is a good singer."

"Junnigha is very nice and polite."

"Junnigha's super nice and generous to everyone. She's very smart and hard-working and easy to talk with."

"My bestest friend in the whole wide world. She is amazing."

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Good Sportsmanship

Good Sportsmanship by Richard Armour
Good sportsmanship we hail, we sing.
It’s always pleasant when you spot it.
There’s only one unhappy thing:
You have to lose to prove you’ve got it.

Watch this touching story of good sportsmanship from an American high school basketball team. As the commentor said: The decision wasn't obvious...but it was the right thing to do.
Here is another example of good sportsmanship...amazing!!
I guess we must take the good with the is a Top 10 of the worst sportsmanship.
And finally, one last glimpse of poor sporstmanship.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Wave

Good morning Grade 8's,

I am hopefully on my way home after a Rider victory...;)

Please watch the rest of this video. We will discuss it tomorrow. Have a great day!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Class Divided

We had such an interesting discussion on discrimination and racism after watching the documentary A Class Divided. What a powerful lesson for people to learn. It's just too bad there is still a need to have to teach people to empathize with one another and treat people with compassion and respect. Imagine how wonderful our world would be without all the -isms and discrimination...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Celebration of Light

Matthew 5:13-16:

You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? ... You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hid... Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

Bravo 8ieme Annee!

I was so proud of you all...Excellent work on your Life In Colour projects!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Two down...

I'll have to sign out the third one on Monday! At this pace, I might have a chance of reading them all before you move on to Grade 9! Hopefully!!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Student of the Week - Richard

His favourite food: lasagne

His favourite activities: fishing, hunting, swimming

His favourite movie: The Expendables

His favourite book: Eragon

What his friends say about him:

"Caring, kind, always has a positive attitude."

"Richard is really awesome, he is funny, creative and very unique. Richard isn't ever mean to anybody and he's a good listener when you have a story."

"Richard is cool and smart."

"Richard surprises and amazes me with his endless well of knowledge. A really cool guy."

"A fierce man who can survive in the wilderness. Awesome hunter, fisher!"

"I've never seen him hunt but I bet he's really good. And he's just plain amazing."

"Richard is a comical fellow who brings deer sausage to the classroom."

"Richard is a good reader."

Student of the Week - Cordell

His favourite food: my mom's famous chicken breasts

His favourite place: Chuck E Cheese

His favourite activity: taking my beautiful dog for a run and playing tug of war with her

What his friends say about him:

"Cordell adds a lot to our classroom: He's always the one to goof off and give us a good laugh and he is very kind."

"Cordell brings a light and funny atmosphere to the class, he's easy to get along with and he's a great dancer."

"Always full of energy and spunk and can do some pretty awesome moves to boot."

"Cordell is a good friend."

"He is enthusiastic."

"Cordell is a good athlete."

"He's funny, athletic and nice."

Student of the Week - Stephanie

Her favourite foods: tacos and watermelon

Her favourite book: Hush Hush

Her favourite activities: drawing and watching football and hockey on TV

What her friends say about her:

"She is very nice and unique. She is my best friend and she is always there for me and all of her friends. She draws great! She is an awesome possum!"

"Stephanie is extremely artistic and an amazing friend who is always there for you no matter what and she is really funny."

"Steph is an amazing artist! She is always smiling and brightens my day."

"Stephanie is an AMAZING drawer and a GREAT friend. You can trust her with anything."

"Steph is kind, intelligent and an amazing artist. I would be insanely jealous if she weren't so lovable."

"Stephanie is a good drawer and is always energetic"

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hello Grade 7,
Think back to all the wonders and mysteries that you have read or heard about in this unit. Which did you find the most interesting? Why? About which mystery would you like to learn more? Why? Are there other mysteries that interest you? For example :
- Are monsters like Sasquatch, Loch Ness Monster or Ogopogo real or not?
-What is the Bermuda Triangle?
-How did Stonehenge come to be?
-Do UFOs exist?
-What is Area 51?
-What happened to the Franklin Expedition?
-What can we learn from petroglyphs found in Canada?
-What can we learn from the body of a 4 000 year old man found in the Alps?

You will each choose a topic to research. Create a KWL chart for the topic. List everything you already know in the K column. In the W column, list all the questions you want to answer through your research. Using a variety of different sources of information (Non-fiction books, almanacs, atlases, magazines, internet, audio-visual media, encyclopedias, etc), find the answers to the questions in the W column. Record what you learned in the L column of your chart in point form. Sort through all the information to find the answers to the 5Ws and H questions. You will then create a photo essay to display all the interesting facts you have learned about your topic. You will share it with your classmates. Be sure to include pictures and information your audience will find interesting.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Well Ladies, you'll be happy to know I finished my homework tonight and it was...great! Now I just need to find the next one. I'm very glad I stuck with it! One down...

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Aliens Are Coming!!!

What would you do? Would you believe a radio broadcast about an alien invasion? Listen to the 1938 radio broadcast of War of the Worlds that sent the world into a panic.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Life in Colour

Good morning Grade 8s,
Today we are beginning our Life in Colour project. Each group will take three black and white photos with a focus on one particular colour. You must include an explanation for why you chose the subject matter and why you chose the particular colour to highlight. What does the colour represent? How does your picture help illustrate the themes present in The Giver?
I can't wait to see your pictures in our class gallery exhibit.
Have fun and happy snapping!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Real or Hoax

"What if life were perfect? What if we lived in a perfect world of perfect people and perfect things, with everyone and everything doing the perfect thing at the perfect time. What if, at one perfect moment in your perfect world you decided...perfection is a perfect bore! What if, at that perfect moment you noticed, for the first time, a button marked "surprise". What if, in that perfect moment, you paused, considered all that was included in the concept of surprise, took a deep breath, pushed the button, and found yourself exactly where you are right now, doing and thinking, exactly what you are, right now?"

If you were this person, would you push the button? What do you think life would be like and what would it contain after pushing the button? How would it differ from the 'perfect' life before the button was pushed? The society in The Giver creates a utopian society which is void of any colour.
It is difficult for us to imagine a world without color, personal freedoms, and love, but in The Giver, the society relinquishes these things in order to make room for total peace and safety. Compare the theme of colour in The Giver with the movie Pleasantville. How is colour a metaphor for life? Do you think the 'perfect' life in the above quote has colour? Why or why not?

Student of the Week - Breanne

Favourite food: salad
Favourite movie: A Walk to Remember
Favourite book: I Like Him, He Likes Her

Favourite activities: sports, drawing and reading

What her friends say about her:
"Breanne is always upbeat and happy. She is lots of fun!"
"Breanne is a wonderful friend and is always there for you. She has a very bubbly personality and she always puts a smile on your face."
"Breanne is always enthusiastic and optimistic."
"Breanne is an amazing friend and is very humourous."
"Breanne is an extremely kind and caring person, she loves all people and animals. She's really fun."

Friday, September 24, 2010

Real or Hoax?

Giant human skeleton
USA fly by of fighter jets
Man survives truck/plane crash
Cat eyes
Da na...Da na...Da na...?
Shark attack!
Modern day diplocaulus
San Diego gym entrance
President Bush with upside down book
Giant tomatoes
Giant Camel Spiders in Iraq
Do you think you can tell the difference between reality and a hoax? See how smart you are...take a look at the following pictures and then write your answers and explanations on a piece of loose leaf. How did they create some of these hoaxes? Have this prepared for Monday. Bonne Chance!!