Friday, December 17, 2010


Watch this amazing will definitely get you into the Christmas spirit!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Advent Conspiracy

As we busy ourselves this Advent, let's all try to remember the true meaning of the season...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Student of the Week - Michaela

Her favourite activity: hockey

Her favourite book: Power Plays

Her favourite movie: Tangled

Her favourite colour: orange

Her favourite food: rice

What her friends say about her:

"Michaela is a good friend and can make me laugh. She is very good at sports (cough but other sports too."

"Michaela is extremely funny and an amazing friend andis always there for you."

" She is always there to make my day happy and she is super amazing and a great, loving friend who helps me get through tough times. And she is a hockey/baseball/vball goddess!!"

" Michaela is one of three specials! She is funny and is alway really great to be around. She is never prejudiced and stands up for what she believes in."

" She is a really funny friend. She can make anyone laugh. She is also good at sports."

" Michaela is an amazing athlete, friend and person. She is always there when you need advice or just someone to talk to."

" Michaela is very funny and lots of fun to be around."

" Michaela is funny and always there when you need her."

Student of the Week - Madeleine

Her favourite activities: reading, watching TV and cross country skiing

Her favourite movie: Patch Adams

Her favourite books: Harry Potter

Her favourite colour: red

What her friends say about her:

"Maddy is the most amazing person! She is infinitely kind and understanding and extremely insightful. When she talks you can't help but relate to her. She is the most abstract and creative person I know and writes beautiful stories. She's exciting and funny to be around all the time. She likes everything and one and is extremely well-rounded."

" Maddy is always excited to do anything and any class. She's lots of fun to be around."

" Maddy is extremely energetic and is really fun to watch if you give her candy. She's also an awesome an awesome friend."

"Maddy brings a very bubbly humour to the class. She is one of the coolest elves I know and she is always happy and nothing brings her down."

"She has a cool imagination."

" She is completely AMAZING! She is such an awesome friend and she spreads her positive, hyper energy to everyone 24/7. She helps me stay positive when I'm feeling down and she shares great advice! I love you Sponge Cake!"

" She is always enthusiastic and she loves everyone."

" Maddy is funny, dramatic and good at acting. She writes amazing stories."

Student of the Week - Kelsey

Her favourite activities: dance and volleyball

Her favourite foods: everything

Her favourite book: Hunnie Bunny Funny Bunny

What her friends say about her:

"Kelsey is energetic, loves Justin Bieber, makes friends easily, has really nice eyes, she is really funny and she loves to annoy Claudia."

"Kelsey is amazing! She's funny, unique, hilarious and one of the best people I know, she's a wonderful artist and dancer and I'm so glad she's one of my bestest friends. Kelsey likes pie."

"Kelsey is very nice and funny. She is also good at dance. She cares when her friends are sad and that is very kind."

" Supportive, intelligent, fun and interesting. Those are just a few of many amazing qualities Kelsey has!"

"Kelsey is really nice. She's a great artist and is there for her friends. And she loves Justin Bieber."

" Kelsey is so fun and energetic. She can make almost anyone laugh and brightens my day."

" Kelsey is a good athlete, she is the life of the party and she is a great friend."

" Very outgoing and a leader."

Student of the Week - Kale

His favourite activity: hockey

His favourite foods: pizza and donuts

His favourite books: Goosebumps

His favourite movie: Slapshot

What his friends say about him:

" Kale is nice to everyone and is madly in love with...Hockey!"

" Kale has a very funny laugh. He is good at sports and has nice skin...By the way...he likes hockey."

" Kale + Kale = Awesome Kale + Hockey = Awesome"

" Kale is a nice guy."

" Kale is very interesting and is an amazing hockey player and he's funny."

" Kale is good @ sports."

" Kale is a great athlete. Kale has a nice complexion and he is very nice."

Student of the Week - Riley

His favourite activity: sports
His favourite movie: Accepted
His favourite book: The Stand
His favourite food: ribs
What his friends say about him:
" He is a great friend and that! He is super amazing! Everyone loves this guy!"
"Riley is very funny and easy to work with."
" His wit and constant hilarious remarks constantly keep conversations interesting. Super nice and fun."
" He is funny and good at sports."
" Riley brings a unique type of humour to our classroom. He is also very athletic."
" Riley is very interesting. He's always the one to say or do the randomness stuff. He's very funny and kind."
" Riley is very tall and is good at sports. He is funny...enjoys quoting Family Guy."

Monday, December 6, 2010

Student of the Week- Junnigha

Her favourite food: pasta

Her favourite movie: A Walk to Remember

Her favourite book: Hunger Games

Her favourite activity: Volleyball

What her friends say about her:

"She is good at school and helps others understand their homework."

"Junnigha is really nice. She's really good at serving in volleyball."

"She is a good singer."

"Junnigha is very nice and polite."

"Junnigha's super nice and generous to everyone. She's very smart and hard-working and easy to talk with."

"My bestest friend in the whole wide world. She is amazing."