Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Monster Mash!

Hello Grade 4,
Are you ready to do the Monster Mash?

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

If The World Were A Village...

Good morning Grade 8,
This morning we will be reading David Smith's award-winning book If the World Were a Village.
To make the idea of a world of 6.2 billion people more understandable, Smith suggests that children imagine the population of the world as a village of just 100 people. That's one person representing 62 million people in the real world. If we imagine the world is a village of only 100 people, would it change the way we see one another? Would it change the way we treat one another? Christ tells us to love our neighbours...what about those we don't see every day? As we begin this Advent season, let's imagine our world as a can we reach out and be salt for the Earth?
Choose 5 statistics from the book to present to the class. You may illustrate them or use graphing/computer tools to display the data.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Ivy's Prezi

Please watch Ivy's Prezi on Breaking Dawn!

Arielle and Talia

Please watch Arielle's Prezi on Puppies and Talia's prezi on Dogs

Cody's Prezi

Please watch Cody's first prezi on paintballing!

Josh's Prezi

Please watch Josh's first prezi on BMXing!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

We had such an interesting discussion on discrimination and racism after watching the documentary A Class Divided. What a powerful lesson for people to learn. It's just too bad there is still a need to have to teach people to empathize with one another and treat people with compassion and respect. Imagine how wonderful our world would be without all the -isms and discrimination...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Here it is...the long-awaited trailer for The Hunger Games!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Here is a link to Bescherelle. Bonne chance!