Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Grade 7 ELA Projects

Here is a link to the ELA 7 Posterous where you can find your projects.

How effective are subliminal messages in advertising?

Watch this short video on the power of subliminal messages. How effective are they?

Tricks of the Trade

Companies spend billions every year on advertising. Are they actually getting anything back for it? How effective are they? In an age when you can fast forward through commercials, advertisers have to make their ad stand out from all the rest so you may want to watch it.
Find one television ad to critique. Provide a link so your classmates can view it as well. What is the product or service? Who is the target audience? What promises are they making? What techniques do they use in the ad? Are these techniques effective? Would you buy the product? What makes this ad stand out from all the others? Include your critique in your post along with the link.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Happy Reaping Day!

Our Panem population playing Beast, Fire, Tribute to determine their Districts.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Panem Jigsaw Puzzle Challenge

Happy Hunger Games!
Each Tribute will attempt to complete a jigsaw puzzle of Panem in the least amount of time. Your mentor may provide assistance in this difficult task.
May the odds be ever in your favor!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Here is a fun St.Patrick's Day video for you to watch before you begin working on your Resume, Grade Eight!
Have a great weekend!
Remember: Those students (Worst Thing and The Midnight Curse...any others?) who are working on their trailers, we are going to Vanier Tuesday afternoon. The other groups will go Thursday afternoon. You will need your props, costumes, etc.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Resume on Glogster

Go to Glogster and sign up so you can start creating your Resume Glog!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

My Lenten Promise

How will you prepare yourself this Lent? What can you do to live and love more fully? How can you prepare your heart for Jesus this Lent? What is your Lenten Promise?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012

Au Revoir Monsieur Watt!!

Bonne Chance, Monsieur!!