Saturday, December 19, 2009

Just Do Right Java Night

Jean Val Jean addresses so many interesting and challenging issues. It is the heart-wrenching story of one man's journey in search of justice and finally love. Les Miserables tells this emotional story through some of the most powerful songs ever written.

Sunday, December 6, 2009
watch this video it is truely amazing

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Free the Children

Craig Kielberger was your age when he was so moved by learning about child labour and other terrible conditions for some of our world's children that he began the organization Free The Children. Create a web for Free the Children. Include information on the 5W's and how we can get involved.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Robin Randal was raised in Drinkwater, Saskatchewan. He has been playing water polo for many years and it has taken him around the world, to many international tournaments and even the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. We have talked about what it takes to be a winner... determination, perseverance, discipline, belief in yourself and the gifts God has given you and strong interpersonal skills. Robin possesses those characteristics and many more.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Good Sportsmanship

Good Sportsmanship
by Richard Armour
Good sportsmanship we hail, we sing.
It’s always pleasant when you spot it.
There’s only one unhappy thing:
You have to lose to prove you’ve got it.

Watch this touching story of good sportsmanship from an American high school basketball team. As the commentor said: The decision wasn't obvious...but it was the right thing to do.

Here is another example of good sportsmanship...amazing!!

I guess we must take the good with the is a Top 10 of the worst sportsmanship.

And finally, one last glimpse of poor sporstmanship.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Riders are #1!

What an amazing game! Rider Nation is celebrating this weekend! Hope you're all enjoying your long weekend...See you on Thursday!

Student of the Week - Tommy

What his friends say about him:
"Tommy is really creative, he has good ideas and he is one of a kind."
"Tommy is not afraid to be himself."
"Tommy is unique and great in class games."
"Tommy is very smart and very good with computers."
"Loud. Vibrant. Electric personality. Likes video games."

Happy Halloween!

Student of the Week - Jaxon

What his friends say about him:
"Really funny. Good at sports. Really good friend. Really outgoing. He's nice."
"Jaxon is good at football and he is funny."
"He is very funny and easy to be friends with."
"Jaxon is hilarious and he is a great person to hang out with."
"He's funny and nice and is good at sports."

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Modern Warfare 2

As you all know modern warfare 2 is coming out on 11/10/09. if you have ever played Call of Duty 4, you will understand why everyone is talking about it. It is going to be the most realistic, advanced and grapically correct game ever made. The weapons, factions and physics will be accurate, the story mode will be thrilling and suspensful and the multiplayer will be thrilling and action-packed. In the campaign you will see what you looked like in cod4 because you will return alongside Soap MacTavish, a Secret Air Service sergeant from the British special ops force, the SAS.

In the online partion of the game, you will have all new weapons, perks and options to fully enhance your gaming experience. Along the new abilities and weapons include silenced shotguns, editable automatic rifles and camoflauge to fit any surface.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be the most anticipated, most realistic, thrilling, FPS game to come out in years. Infinity Ward, the creators of previous Call of Duty games, known for their politically and physically realistic reenactions of war, will be designing this game.

In short, whether you have an Xbox 360, PS3 or PC (Sorry, wii users :p) you WILL get this game.

-Ruben (ElephantKing) and Andrew (Farming Russian)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Student of the Week - Stacey

Favourite sports: volleyball and basketball
Favourite movie: The Proposal
What her friends say about her:
"She's always smiling. She's nice to everyone."
"Friendly, fun, smart."
"Stacey is very organized and is a good friend. She is always fun to be around."
"She is very kind and easy to be friends with."
"Smart, funny, athletic, nice, talented, awesome."
"Stacey brings a cheerful nature to the class."

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Celebration of Light

We are called to love one another as God has loved us and to be God's light for others. Our discussion on how we can be a light of Christ for others quickly led us to Operation Christmas Child. I was overwhelmed by your enthusiasm and eagerness to send your love and light to little ones less fortunate than yourselves. I am very proud of you...Let your light shine!
Salt and Light

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Father help us. We need some guidence from got us questioning...Where is the love?

The Black Eyed Peas Where is the Love? poses a difficult question that many people are desperate to answer. What social issues are weighing down upon the artists? Your task is to find a song that addresses a social justice issue. Be sure that it is suitable for class. You may create a link when you comment to this post. Be prepared to share your group's song tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Mysteries and Uncanny Events...

Hello Grade 7,
Think back to all the wonders and mysteries that you have read or heard about in this unit. Which did you find the most interesting? Why? About which mystery would you like to learn more? Why? Are there other
mysteries that interest you? For example :
- Are monsters like Sasquatch, Loch Ness Monster or Ogopogo real or not?
-What is the Bermuda Triangle?
-How did Stonehenge come to be?
-Do UFOs exist?
-What is Area 51?
-What happened to the Franklin Expedition?
-What can we learn from petroglyphs found in Canada?
-What can we learn from the body of a 4 000 year old man found in the Alps?

You will each choose a topic to research. Create a KWL chart for the topic. List everything you already know in the K column. In the W column, list all the questions you want to answer through your research. Using a variety of different sources of information (Non-fiction books, almanacs, atlases, magazines, internet, audio-visual media, encyclopedias, etc), find the answers to the questions in the W column. Record what you learned in the L column of your chart in point form. Sort through all the information to find the answers to the 5Ws and H questions. You will then create a photo essay to display all the interesting facts you have learned about your topic. You will share it with your classmates. Be sure to include pictures and information your audience will find interesting.

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Shroud of Turin

The Shroud of Turin- an ancient linen cloth believed to be the burial cloth of Jesus of Nazareth.Is it really the cloth that wrapped his crucified body, or is it simply a medieval forgery, a hoax perpetrated by some clever artist? Modern science has completed hundreds of thousands of hours of detailed study and intense research on the Shroud. It is, in fact, the single most studied artifact in human history.

Friday, September 25, 2009

most of them are hoex's

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Real or Hoax?

Giant human skeleton

USA fly by of fighter jets

Da na...Da na...Da na...?

Shark attack!


Evil Bert

Modern day diplocaulus

San Diego gym entrance

President Bush with upside down book

Giant tomatoes

September 11 tourist

Giant Camel Spiders in Iraq

Do you think you can tell the difference between reality and a hoax? See how smart you are...take a look at the following pictures and then write your answers and explanations on a piece of loose leaf. Hand in your paper at the end of class. Bonne Chance!!

this blog rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Aliens or decide!

Here are some arial views of the crop circles found near Moose Jaw over the weekend. Who or what made these intricate designs? It truly is a mystery!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

How would you describe your personality?

Here are a number of on-line personality quizzes: How well do you know yourself?
Quiz 1
Quiz 2

Thursday, September 17, 2009

A Life Lived in Colour...

Canadian Mysteries

What are some of our own unsolved mysteries?
Have you ever heard of the Oak Island treasure? What about the Avro Arrow?

Monday, September 14, 2009

Do you live in Colour or in Black & White?

"What if life were perfect? What if we lived in a perfect world of perfect people and perfect things, with everyone and everything doing the perfect thing at the perfect time. What if, at one perfect moment in your perfect world you decided...perfection is a perfect bore! What if, at that perfect moment you noticed, for the first time, a button marked "surprise". What if, in that perfect moment, you paused, considered all that was included in the concept of surprise, took a deep breathe, pushed the button, and found yourself exactly where you are right now, doing and thinking, exactly what you are, right now?""

If you were this person, would you push the button? What do you think life would be like and what would it contain after pushing the button? How would it differ from the 'perfect' life before the button was pushed?
The society in The Giver creates a utopian society which is void of any colour.
It is difficult for us to imagine a world without color, personal freedoms, and love, but in The Giver, the society relinquishes these things in order to make room for total peace and safety. Compare the theme of colour in The Giver with the movie Pleasantville. How is colour a metaphor for life? Do you think the 'perfect' life in the above quote has colour? Why or why not?

Today's Gonna Be A Good Day!

Good Morning!
This was one of the coolest things I've seen! You have to check this out...The Black Eyed Peas perform at Oprah's kickoff to her 24th season. It's amazing what can happen when everyone works together...

Student of the Week - Nevada

What her friends say about her:
" Nevada is very kind and she shares with everyone. Nevada is never rude or mean to anyone. Nevada is a very good friend."
" She has a great sense of humour."
" She is calm and has something nice to say about everyone. She is a good friend of mine and is a great person to talk to."
" Kind-hearted. Caring."
" She is nice. She is fun to be around."
" Beautiful. Smart. Quiet. Nice."

Monday, September 7, 2009

Grade 7 Mystery Hunters!

the rosetta stone
the rosetta stone was discovered in august of 1799, and deciphered by a french scholar named jean champollion. the stone has three different languages written on it—hieroglyphics, demotic and greek. the stone itself is made of basalt, a volcanic rock, and measures about three feet nine inches long by two feet four inches wide and eleven inches thick.i hope everyone had fun doing this.

Can you decipher the message?

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Giver games

How well do you know The Giver? Here are some games to test your knowledge!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

King Tut's Curse...Fact or Fiction?

Everyone loves a good mystery...Take the mysterious death of a young pharaoh and combine it with a number of unexplained deaths and you have the mystery of King Tut's Curse.
There is also an interesting video from National Geographic to view.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Welcome Grade 8!
We have a very exciting and busy year ahead of us. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all. Let's make your last year at St. Margaret School the best one yet!