Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Modern Warfare 2

As you all know modern warfare 2 is coming out on 11/10/09. if you have ever played Call of Duty 4, you will understand why everyone is talking about it. It is going to be the most realistic, advanced and grapically correct game ever made. The weapons, factions and physics will be accurate, the story mode will be thrilling and suspensful and the multiplayer will be thrilling and action-packed. In the campaign you will see what you looked like in cod4 because you will return alongside Soap MacTavish, a Secret Air Service sergeant from the British special ops force, the SAS.

In the online partion of the game, you will have all new weapons, perks and options to fully enhance your gaming experience. Along the new abilities and weapons include silenced shotguns, editable automatic rifles and camoflauge to fit any surface.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be the most anticipated, most realistic, thrilling, FPS game to come out in years. Infinity Ward, the creators of previous Call of Duty games, known for their politically and physically realistic reenactions of war, will be designing this game.

In short, whether you have an Xbox 360, PS3 or PC (Sorry, wii users :p) you WILL get this game.

-Ruben (ElephantKing) and Andrew (Farming Russian)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "It is going to be the most realistic, advanced and grapically correct game ever made."

    What would you say to critics who believe these games are too graphic and violent? Is constant exposure to life-like violence harmful for young minds?

  3. Call of Duty 4 and Modern Warfare 2, unlike other games, aren't solely focused on 'killing the bad guys'. They show the realistic and bad sides of war, such as when a nuclear fallout cripples you and you and you are so helplessthat usualy doesn't make you think "wow i want to do that".
    Your objectives include stopping an Inter-Contenential ballistic missiles from detonating on the east coast of the U.S, to save a downed Cobra pilot from her certain doom, to hold out with your squad against hordes of Ultranationalist extremists and OpFor terrorists. This isn't supposed to be mindless killing just for fun, it's the story of Marines and SAS who do everything they can to protect their country and civilians.
    And that is the point of the rating system. If you look at the picture is says M 17+ which means an adult must be with the child to purchase and if they don't want the child playing such games they simply don't buy them.
    Some kids play extremely violent video games - but, Modern Warfare and Modern Warfare 2 don't have that much gore compared to several other games.
    This game isn't to kill the bad guys - it's to defend the defenseless, to help the wounded and to save the weak.
    -Andrew and Ruben


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