Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Braden's Prezi

Check out Braden's Hunger Games prezi!

Underground to Canada

Hello Grade 6,
You will go on a journey on the Underground Railroad.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Good Book Must Be Shared!

Mme Hassen has created an exciting way to share our thoughts with one another as we journey through this year's Willow Award Nominees. Follow the link to our Holy Trinity
Willow Awards Voice Thread. Get reading and get sharing!!

Getting into the Christmas Spirit!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Monster Mash!

Hello Grade 4,
Are you ready to do the Monster Mash?

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

If The World Were A Village...

Good morning Grade 8,
This morning we will be reading David Smith's award-winning book If the World Were a Village.
To make the idea of a world of 6.2 billion people more understandable, Smith suggests that children imagine the population of the world as a village of just 100 people. That's one person representing 62 million people in the real world. If we imagine the world is a village of only 100 people, would it change the way we see one another? Would it change the way we treat one another? Christ tells us to love our neighbours...what about those we don't see every day? As we begin this Advent season, let's imagine our world as a can we reach out and be salt for the Earth?
Choose 5 statistics from the book to present to the class. You may illustrate them or use graphing/computer tools to display the data.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Ivy's Prezi

Please watch Ivy's Prezi on Breaking Dawn!

Arielle and Talia

Please watch Arielle's Prezi on Puppies and Talia's prezi on Dogs

Cody's Prezi

Please watch Cody's first prezi on paintballing!

Josh's Prezi

Please watch Josh's first prezi on BMXing!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

We had such an interesting discussion on discrimination and racism after watching the documentary A Class Divided. What a powerful lesson for people to learn. It's just too bad there is still a need to have to teach people to empathize with one another and treat people with compassion and respect. Imagine how wonderful our world would be without all the -isms and discrimination...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Here it is...the long-awaited trailer for The Hunger Games!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Here is a link to Bescherelle. Bonne chance!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Have a fun and safe evening!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Real or Hoax?

Scene-stealing squirrel
Giant human skeleton
USA fly by of fighter jets
Man survives truck/plane crash
Cat eyes
Da na...Da na...Da na...?
Shark attack!
Modern day diplocaulus
San Diego gym entrance
President Bush with upside down book
Giant tomatoes
Giant Camel Spiders in Iraq
Do you think you can tell the difference between reality and a hoax? See how smart you are...take a look at the following pictures and then write your answers and explanations on a piece of loose leaf. How did they create some of these hoaxes? Have this prepared for Monday. Bonne Chance!!

When Does a Hoax Go Too Far?

The world watched anxiously as the rescue efforts for a little boy "trapped" in a homemade balloon ensued. Emergency workers and volunteers worked valiantly to reunite a small boy with his terrified parents. As people chased down the balloon and countless prayers went up to keep this little one safe, he was actually at home safely hidden in his attic. Interviews after the incident revealed that the whole event was actually orchestrated by the little boy's parents for a little more time in the spotlight. When does a hoax go too far? What do you think Grade Seven?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Student of the Week - Nathan

His favourite activity:
His favourite food:
His favourite movie:
What his friends say about him:
" Nathan is nice and is good with any technology."
" He's smart and creative."
" Nathan is awesome and smart."
" Nathan is good at everything and anything technical. Whenever someone has a computer problem he comes to fix it!"
" Nathan is funneh, smart and good at building stuff."
" Nathan's really smart and good with technology. He's funny and takes everything good-heartedly."

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Grade 7 Mystery Hunters...Photo Essay Research

Hello Grade 7,
Think back to all the wonders and mysteries that you have read or heard about in this unit. Which did you find the most interesting? Why? About which mystery would you like to learn more? Why? Are there other

mysteries that interest you? For example :

- Are monsters like Sasquatch, Loch Ness Monster orOgopogo real or not?

-What is the Bermuda Triangle?

-How did Stonehenge come to be?

-Do UFOs exist?

-What is Area 51?

-What happened to the Franklin Expedition?

-What can we learn from petroglyphs found in Canada?

-What can we learn from the body of a 4 000 year old man found in the Alps?

You will each choose a topic to research. Create a KWL chart for the topic. List everything you already know in the K column. In the W column, list all the questions you want to answer through your research. Using a variety of different sources of information (Non-fiction books, almanacs, atlases, magazines, internet, audio-visual media, encyclopedias, etc), find the answers to the questions in the W column. Record what you learned in the L column of your chart in point form. Sort through all the information to find the answers to the 5Ws and H questions. You will then create a photo essay to display all the interesting facts you have learned about your topic. You will share it with your classmates. Be sure to include pictures and information your audience will find interesting.

Grade 7 Mystery Hunters...This one is for you!

the rosetta stone the rosetta stone was discovered in august of 1799, and deciphered by a french scholar named jean champollion. the stone has three different languages written on it—hieroglyphics, demotic and greek. the stone itself is made of basalt, a volcanic rock, and measures about three feet nine inches long by two feet four inches wide and eleven inches thick.i hope everyone had fun doing this.
Can you decipher the message?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Google Search Stories

Grade 8,

Beautiful work on your Social Justice novel Google Search Stories! They are very powerful and creative. Well done!

Sarah's Search Story The Hunger Games

Maria - Egghead

Davis - The Lost Boy

Kane - Night

Claire - Half the Sky

Emma - The Help

Brayden - The Book Thief

Josee - Night
Everley - If I Grow Up
Janessa - The Story of Anne Frank
Maria HC- The Secret Life of Bees

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Google Search Stories

Hello Grade 6,
After Read to Self you will create your very own Google Search Story about the novel you are reading. How will you capture the themes and concepts in your novel?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

What is Geocaching?

Hello Grade 7s!
We have a very exciting morning planned on Tuesday. You will go from Muggles to Geocachers Extraordinaire! Here is a quick video on Geocaching to help shed some light on this modern day treasure hunting!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I Have A Dream

Martin Luther King Jr's "I have a dream" speech is an example of this incredible man's passion and vision for all of God's children.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Father Help Us...We Need Some Guidance From Above...

The Black Eyed Peas' Where is the Love? poses a difficult question that many people are desperate to answer. What social issues are weighing down upon the artists? Your task is to find a song that addresses a social justice issue. Be sure that it is suitable for class. You may create a link when you comment to this post. Be prepared to share your song tomorrow.
Dear Mr. President - Pink
Under the Bridge - Red Hot Chile Peppers
Harmony - Nevershoutnever
Hold My Hand
Hero of War
What Hurts The Most
Standing Outside the Fire - Garth Brooks
Firework - Katy Perry
I'll See You Someday
How To Love
One Tin Soldier
Sister Rosa - Neville Brothers
Concrete Angel - Martina McBride
Mean - Taylor Swift
Waiting for the World to Change - John Mayer
Independence Day - Martina McBride
Pray - Justin Bieber
Not Ready to Make Nice - Dixie Chicks
Temporary Home - Carrie Underwood

Monday, August 29, 2011

Benno and the Night of Broken Glass

"...But one night the Nazis came to Berlin. Windows were shattered, books were burned and Benno's Jewish friends disappeared. Life would never be the same."

For many, Kristallnacht marks the beginning of the Holocaust. Read the information on the site about Kristallnacht to compare life before that fateful night to life after.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Monday, May 9, 2011 forgive is divine.

Pope John Paul II was recently beatified. It is one step closer to the beloved pontiff's canonnization. He was a remarkable role model for forgiveness. Are you able to forgive those who tresspass against you? Would you be able to forgive someone who tried to hurt you?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Greek Mythology Site

This is the Greek Mythology site you need for Task #2. Have fun!
Here is the site for the trading card maker as well.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I Lost My Talk by Rita Joe

Language is very tightly tied to one's sense of self. The ability to communicate with others and have them understand what you are telling them is critical to a sense of belonging.
Rita Joe is a Mi'kmaq poet, educator and spokesperson for aboriginal peoples. She was born in 1931 on the Whycocomaugh Reserve in Nova Scotia. At twelve, she moved to the Shubenacadie Residential School.
What was the original purpose of the residential schools? When did they exist? Where were they located? What was life like in the residential schools? Did the outcome for Canada's aboriginal people match the original intent of the schools' founders?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Lenten Meditation

As our Lenten journey comes to a close, I want you to think about Christ's sacrifice for us. What does that mean to you? I think about Mary watching her Son suffer and how much she loved Him. There is nothing stronger than a parent's love for his/her child. Imagine how much we are loved that God would send us His Son so that we may be forgived and have ever-lasting life...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ultimate Frisbee

Student of the Week - Claudia

Her favourite movie: Justin Bieber: Never Say Never

Her favourite colours: yellow and purple

Her favourite food: taco salad

Her favourite book: A Great But Terrible Beauty

What her friends say about her:

" Claudia is such a sweetheart! She is constantly bright and happy! I am going to miss you so much! Oh and she likes elephants! And she has a huge heart for all walks of life."

"Claudia is very pretty and cute. She loves animals and takes care of them and people. Love ya!"

"Claudia is fun to be with and fun to talk to. She is beautiful inside and out!"

"Claudia is funny, nice and has an amazing personality. She's awesome!"

"Claudia is nice. She is always there when you need her. She's always there when you need someone to talk to. Claudia is an AMAZING dancer! Love ya Claudia."

"Claudia is my best friend and would do anything to help anyone, she is loving and kind, and wished she wasn't moving. She is funny and just amazing, I love her as my best friend."

"She is really sweet and pretty. And always happy."