Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Grade 7 Mystery Hunters...Photo Essay Research

Hello Grade 7,
Think back to all the wonders and mysteries that you have read or heard about in this unit. Which did you find the most interesting? Why? About which mystery would you like to learn more? Why? Are there other

mysteries that interest you? For example :

- Are monsters like Sasquatch, Loch Ness Monster orOgopogo real or not?

-What is the Bermuda Triangle?

-How did Stonehenge come to be?

-Do UFOs exist?

-What is Area 51?

-What happened to the Franklin Expedition?

-What can we learn from petroglyphs found in Canada?

-What can we learn from the body of a 4 000 year old man found in the Alps?

You will each choose a topic to research. Create a KWL chart for the topic. List everything you already know in the K column. In the W column, list all the questions you want to answer through your research. Using a variety of different sources of information (Non-fiction books, almanacs, atlases, magazines, internet, audio-visual media, encyclopedias, etc), find the answers to the questions in the W column. Record what you learned in the L column of your chart in point form. Sort through all the information to find the answers to the 5Ws and H questions. You will then create a photo essay to display all the interesting facts you have learned about your topic. You will share it with your classmates. Be sure to include pictures and information your audience will find interesting.

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