Thursday, February 4, 2010

Are there ethics in advertising?

Read the article on Coke and Pepsi calling a truce when it comes to directly targeting young children. What is your response to this? Should companies share the responsibility when it comes to alarming increases in children's health issues (juvenile diabetes, obesity, etc)?


  1. I think that it is good that pepsi and coke are finaly doing something to put an end to the marketing of junk food. Yes both companies should share responsabilities because it is both of their faults.

  2. i think its a great thing that Coke and pepsi are putting an end to all this. In my opinion, if you start drinking pop and junk food at an early age, you're going to get hooked on it, you're going to spend your money on it and its going to hurt you when your still young. i think its good that they are taking responsibility, because that means they are seeing the damage that they are doing to children and generations.

  3. I geusse it's okay that there calling a truce but i really don;t think just there markating will help stop people from being unhealthy.

  4. Both companies have come a long way, as both have been the conveyor of controversial advertising methods in more than one sense. Kids getting addicted to Coca-Cola AND Pepsi really gives a negative impact, both health-wise and in the financial run, albiet the second impact not as significant or important. Some could argue that the actions done by these companies are 'too little, too late', but the advertising methods have changed over the decades. You're not allowed at all to put blatant lies in your commercials or else you will get in trouble. Companies should take heed from these beverage giants - fast food companies may be next for a well-overdue claim of responsibility. Both companies are at fault and both recognized their action.

  5. i think that It super that Coke and Pepsi are doing something to stop child obesity, but i don't see how this quote is true "McDonalds has already taken the lead in altering its products and youth marketing efforts to promote a healthier lifestyle to kids".
    To me McDonalds is doing the same thing that any other company is doing, they just keep advertising, and tricking people into buying their product. Its not like lots of the food at McDonalds is healthy for any person to eat, but its cheap so that a lot of people that don't have enough money think that they could be getting a really good deal.
    I think its great that Coke and Pepsi are doing something to help, but if you want to stop children from being obese you will have to get a really bug company to say, "this is not right, and we really have to change things".
    Its going to take a really big step to change how the world looks at things.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. When they have been apart of this change in childrens life it involves all of them, they should all take the resposibility that they have done there share of the fault.


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